MemEx delivers unrivalled end-to-end membership management through a suite of membership 'accelerators' designed to meet the specific needs of membership organisations.
FIND OUT MOREMeasurable results clearly demonstrate the positive impact our Membership Experience Platform, MemEx, can have on membership organisations and their teams.
New enhancements to the Academy’s MemEx platform, across Umbraco CMS and Dynamics 365, enable improved digital experiences for their newly launched Awardee Excellence Community.
VIEWWSET partnered with Wattle to onboard, support, and further develop their existing Umbraco CMS website and provide strategic guidance to boost operational efficiency and the overall digital experience.
VIEWWattle were selected as the ETF’s strategic technology partner to deliver their extensive 'Transform' digital transformation programme centred around the adoption of the MemEx platform.
ViewThe Soil Association joined forces with Wattle, under an ongoing partnership, to develop and support a series Umbraco CMS websites to promote multiple causes.
VIEWThe IPA partnered with Wattle to onboard and continue the ongoing digital transformation of their existing business-critical Umbraco CMS website.
VIEWThe Society, the world's oldest professional body for Earth science, partnered with Wattle to develop a new, future-proofed CRM platform for the benefit of their members, supporters, customers, volunteers, and staff team.
VIEWRenewableUK, the UK's leading renewable energy trade association, partnered with Wattle to deliver its new MemEx integrated digital platform.
VIEWThe UKCP partnered with Wattle to discover, design and develop a new Umbraco CMS website based upon MemEx Web, part of our wider MemEx platform, and centred around an innovative and intuitive Find a Therapist tool.
ViewThe Institute partnered with Wattle to implement the transformational MemEx Membership Portal to deliver self-service across a range of membership processes to its members and volunteers.
VIEWIEMA, the professional membership body for everyone working in environment, goes live on MemEx forming the core of its new membership management platform.
VIEWThe CIArb adopted Wattle's Membership Experience Platform, MemEx, to replace their existing Telerik Sitefinity website CMS and ageing bespoke CRM database.
ViewCIOE&IT implemented MemEx, Wattle's flagship Membership Experience Platform, comprising integrated Umbraco's CMS and Microsoft's Dynamics 365 CRM to create a highly efficient digital ecosystem.
VIEWROS, the charity dedicated to improving the lives of everyone with osteoporosis, goes live on the MemEx platform and realises significant cost savings and efficiency benefits.
VIEWNOAH embarked on a strategic partnership with Wattle to onboard and revolutionise its existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 digital landscape.
VIEWCIMSPA, the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, partnered with Wattle to deliver its Core Technologies Platform Transformation programme.
VIEWthe Institute of Asset Management (IAM) adopted Wattle's MemEx platform to replace their existing ADX Studio website CMS and ageing Dynamics CRM system.
ViewRIBA formed an ongoing partnership with Wattle to provide support and development for its complex Sitecore CMS and bespoke .NET website estate.
VIEWNon-profit technology advice provider Eduserv, now part of Jisc, formed a long-term managed service outsourcing partnership with Wattle to provide ongoing Microsoft .NET software development and support services to its clients.
International membership organisation TRADA adopted Wattle's Membership Experience Platform, MemEx, to increase online member acquisition and drive deeper member engagement.
ViewNew enhancements to LLG’s MemEx platform enable improved targeting of student members and the launch of their Inspire training and mentoring program for all members.
VIEWMemEx delivers unrivalled end-to-end membership management through a suite of membership 'accelerators' designed to meet the specific needs of membership organisations.