MemEx delivers unrivalled end-to-end membership management through a suite of membership 'accelerators' designed to meet the specific needs of membership organisations.
FIND OUT MOREMeaningful testimonials clearly demonstrate the positive impact our Membership Experience Platform, MemEx, can have on membership organisations and their teams.
Get Started“I’ve been really impressed with the team working on the RCT website – Harry has done some great work on it, and he did a great job taking us through the showcase. Pete has also done a great job on the designs and has brought the very basic look and feel up to a modern website. George has been great with us as we’ve gone through the project too, answering the teams queries as they’ve cropped up.”
“We're delighted to be strengthening our partnership with Wattle with the delivery of our member-facing and public-facing platforms to deliver value and positive impact for our stakeholders and drive strategic engagement. Wattle have been a fantastic partner over the past 12 months, and we're delighted to continue this partnership into the future.”
“I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you so much for all the work the Wattle team are doing on our project. I have been hearing for some time how great the team are and how helpful they've been. In the past couple of weeks when we’ve really needed to scramble to keep things on the rails the Wattle team’s involvement has clearly been a key factor and the GSL team are feeling optimistic about the project and the imminent launch of the new website."
"I look forward to celebrating when the new website is live, but in the meantime thank you for going above and beyond.”
"The IPA website provides numerous services to our members and its functionality continues to grow as we extend our member offering. We selected Wattle as the IPA’s new digital partner due to both their extensive membership experience and strong technical abilities - especially in their approach to continuous deployment and quality assurance, to ensure new features are delivered quickly and smoothly."
"We look forward to working closely with Wattle to deliver new services and continued user experience improvements for our members."
"Our main goal is to promote the transition to an agroecological way of managing farming and soil. Given the importance of this, we needed a website to explain our work. Wattle was our natural choice, especially as we've collaborated with them successfully on other projects."
"The website is more than just a digital interface. It's a hub of knowledge in promoting agroecological practices. Wattle’s Project Manager was responsive and supportive and, in tandem with Katie Molloy, Wattle's Head of Delivery, ensured that the website development process remained robust throughout."
"The decision to work with Wattle has been fundamental to the success of our global transformation programme. We have collaborated in a genuine partnership together and they are fully invested in the success of our organisation. Communications between our respective project teams has been continual which has enabled Wattle to deliver swift outcomes."
"Their membership sector expertise has also ensured they challenge us where appropriate, and we have re-engineered both our membership and case management processes as a result. Within a few months of go-live with the MemEx platform we saw an increase of almost £500,000 in invoiced membership income."
“With the Royal Academy of Engineering's (not-so) new website marking its first birthday today it's a great opportunity for me to appreciate the quantum leap it has represented in the Academy's ability to communicate effectively with our audiences. The central role it plays, and will continue to play, in the digital transformation of the Academy."
"We've made great progress since launch especially around community areas and functionality that has been added and expanded. Content, data, vision, and a will to change will only get you so far, it's our technology and design partners Wattle and IE Digital that help make them real! Plenty more to come.”
“The Wattle team, from the outset, were very engaging and easy to get on with which, I believe, is vital for an enduring and successful relationship. During the implementation phase, long hard days occasionally finished with a beer or pizza, chatting about anything but the project!”
“The Wattle team brought their ideas and experiences to the project helping us shape certain aspects of the implementation in ways which would improve our operation and services. We continue to work with Wattle for major enhancements, as funds become available, and weekly minor updates and changes as we learn more about how we can use the solution to our best advantage. The service support has been well managed and continues to meet our needs.”
“NOAH represents the UK animal health industry promoting the benefits of licensed medicines and solutions for the health and welfare of all animals.”
“We are very excited to be partnering with Wattle and looking forward to working with them on onboarding our existing CRM. We have chosen to work with Wattle, based on their proven knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics and with their experience of working with many different types and sizes of trade associations. We are very confident and look forward to working closely with Wattle, incorporating their guidance and expertise into how we develop our systems to make our internal processes more efficient and to optimise the benefits for our membership over the coming years.”
“The Institute of Leadership is delighted to announce our partnership with software specialists Wattle, to develop a revitalised and future-proof CRM platform. This new platform will greatly benefit our valued members, clients, and staff.”
“During the tendering process, Wattle impressed us with their thorough approach and deep understanding of our diverse requirements and ambitions for this digital transformation project. We look forward to building a long-term partnership with Wattle; one that will further enhance and innovate our membership and CRM experiences, benefitting the entire Institute of Leadership community.”
“We are delighted to be partnering with Wattle to develop a new, future-proofed CRM platform for the benefit of the Society’s members, supporters, customers, volunteers, and staff team. From the get-go, Wattle’s team demonstrated an eagerness to understand our specific needs and ambitions, quickly getting to grips with our requirements and showing innovative thinking via their CRM solutions and MemEx platform."
"We are looking forward to building a long-term partnership with Wattle, as we continue our digital transformation for the advancement of knowledge, education, and professional excellence in Earth Science.”
MemEx delivers unrivalled end-to-end membership management through a suite of membership 'accelerators' designed to meet the specific needs of membership organisations.