A unique and free opportunity to benchmark your member-focused digital strategy and activity with Wattle and MemberWise.
Digital Excellence Research Project
As a MemberWise Partner we are pleased to announce that we have been formally recognised as an Official Digital Excellence (2025/26) Research Champion and we strongly encourage you to take part in this high-profile research project.
Every two years the MemberWise Network conducts the Digital Excellence Research Project – a high profile independent project that gains a snapshot of digital activity and strategy within the Membership and Association Sector. The output of the project is the popular Digital Excellence Report – a report containing statistically significant findings and results and written independently by the network.
Who are MemberWise?
MemberWise is the leading independent and free to join professional network of 8,000+ membership and association professionals dedicated to promoting good practice and information sharing within the sector.
The network is unique: it is run by practicing membership and association professionals and provides networking opportunities and access to comprehensive help and support. Members of the MemberWise network work within professional bodies, trade associations, clubs, societies, regulatory bodies, trade unions, local chambers of commerce, trade unions, and a wide range of other member-focused organisations.
Be part of the sector’s largest digital research project, contributing to a high-profile report that will help your organisations and our sector.
In return for completing the network’s online survey you will receive an advance preview of the Digital Excellence Research Report, you will be amongst the first to establish new and emerging digital focused trends and you could also win one of two £100 Amazon vouchers.