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Wattle secures Cyber Essentials Certification

This certifies that Wattle was assessed as meeting the stringent Cyber Essentials implementation profile and that our IT defences were assessed as secure against 80% of common cyber-attacks.

Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance 

We are delighted to announce that Wattle have received the Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance.

This certifies that Wattle was assessed as meeting the stringent Cyber Essentials implementation profile and that our IT defences were assessed as secure against 80% of common cyber-attacks.

As well as helping to guard our organisation against cyber-attack, Cyber Essentials demonstrates our commitment to cyber security and ensures we are doing our best to secure both our IT and our client’s data against cyber-attacks.

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials helps you to guard your organisation against cyber-attack.

The scheme is a UK government-backed framework supported by the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre). It sets out five basic security controls that can protect organisations against 80% of common cyber-attacks.

  • Firewalls - Creates a barrier between your IT network and other networks to check if incoming traffic should be allowed on your network.
  • Software Updates - Protect against vulnerabilities by keeping your devices and applications up to date.
  • Malware Protection - Protect against viruses and other malware by using properly configured anti-malware software and only allowing trusted applications.
  • Access Control - Manage access to administrator accounts to control who has access to your data and services.
  • Secure Configuration - Choose the most secure settings for your devices and software by changing passwords and removing unused accounts and software.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch with us today