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Integrated membership management platform. The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) adopted Wattle's Membership Experience Platform, MemEx, to replace their existing ADX Studio website CMS and ageing Dynamics CRM system.

Integrated Solutions Project Overview

With over 22,000 members across 158 countries, the IAM is the international professional body for asset management professionals. The IAM develops asset management knowledge and best practice and generates awareness of the benefits of the discipline for the individual, organisations and wider society.

Discovery & Analysis

When the IAM engaged with Wattle they were facing major IT issues across the organisation along with the significant ongoing costs of maintaining those legacy systems. In order to fully understand the situation, and define future IAM needs, Wattle engaged in an initial period of discovery and analysis with key IAM stakeholders.

  • Time was invested wisely via onsite workshops with each of the IAM's key business functions to build a greater understanding of current and future requirements.
  • The workshop sessions delivered were highly interactive and Wattle worked closely with the IAM to define key business processes moving forward.
  • The outcome of the exercise was a detailed functional requirements specification to act as a IT and process blueprint moving forward.

MemEx Adoption

With a way forward clearly defined the IAM gave the green light to begin the phased deployment of Wattle's Membership Experience Platform MemEx. 

  • Phase 1 comprised the development of an integrated Umbraco CMS Website, Member Portal and Dynamics 365 platform, incorporating integration with Sage Line 50 and MailChimp.
  • Phase 2 focused on the integration of Dynamics 365 with the IAM's chosen exam management system Pearson Vue, awards management software OpenWater and SharePoint.
  • Phase 3 will see the activation of Wattle’s ongoing support and development capability, delivered within the framework of a Managed Services Subscription.

Andy Watts, Managing Director, IAM.

"The Wattle team, from the outset, were very engaging and easy to get on with which, I believe, is vital for an enduring and successful relationship. During the implementation phase, long hard days occasionally finished with a beer or pizza, chatting about anything but the project!

The Wattle team brought their ideas and experiences to the project helping us shape certain aspects of the implementation in ways which would improve our operation and services.

We continue to work with Wattle for major enhancements, as funds become available, and weekly minor updates and changes as we learn more about how we can use the solution to our best advantage. The service support has been well managed and continues to meet our needs."

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